Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 10 through 17

Day 10: Zero day (rest day) in Greenville
Eat, sleep, stretch, meditate 

This is Moose Head lake in Greenville. 

Day 11: Zero day in Greenville
Eat, sleep, stretch, meditate 

Day 12:  9.0 miles

Hitched a ride back to the trail and started hiking about 11am. Had to ford one river. It was an easy 9 miles. 

Here's a picture of me at the office.

Day 13: 22.0 miles - my longest day yet

Started at 7:30 am and finished at 8pm. I went over 2 mountains, Moxie Bald and Pleasant Pond mountain. They were about 2,400 ft high. I forded 3 rivers and went over 2 mountains!

One of the rivers I forded had a rope to help get across it. 

Here's another river I crossed. 

Day 14: 19.7 miles

This was a great day of hiking. I had to cross the Kennebec River. This river is controlled by a dam so the water levels and current will change rapidly. So, there was a guy in a canoe that will ferry you across with your pack. Finally!! Crossed a river and didn't get wet! The lean-to I stayed at was right next to a beautiful pond and I got some great pictures of the sunset. 

Day 15:  17.9 miles

Very difficult day, another 13 hour day if hiking. Went over 4 peaks with the highest being about 4,100 ft. Coming down was hard because it was pure bouldering. No trail just huge boulders. Incredible views for the top. It was very powerful. 

This is the view from Little Bigelow's mountain. The mountain in the distance is Bigelow's mountain, which I still had to cross that day. 

Day 16: 5 miles

Here is a view of Bigelow mountain as I was coming down the other side. 

Made it to the road and hitched to Stratton. Got a room and a shower and then it was time to eat an resupply. When I was coming down from the mountain my knee was giving me trouble so I decided to take a day off here. Only about 3 places to eat here but he food is good, although the resupply was expensive. 

Day 17: Zero day

Eat, sleep, stretch, meditate. 

I'm heading out in the morning around 8:30. I will post more in about 5 days. 

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